Posts in the category

Grow your network of options with a Bachelor of Science in Data Science at the University of Auckland

Posted on 11th Oct 2019 in University Study, New Zealand

The last decade has seen an explosion in the amount of data available. It has evolved into the most important asset for many companies and people, and the ability to turn data into insights, knowledge and innovative products often separates success from failure. Big data is everywhere, but to extract information, individuals need to be able to manage as well as analyse the data.

Reach your academic goals at Griffith Honours College, Australia

Posted on 21st Aug 2019 in University Study, Australia

As an International Baccalaureate student, high-achieving is in your nature. At Griffith University, we offer specialised programs that allow you to excel and reach your academic goals in an environment that fosters knowledge growth. The Griffith Honours College is an extracurricular program for high-achieving undergraduate students, providing you with opportunities and experiences to reach your full potential.

University focus: Griffith University

Posted on 5th Feb 2019 in University Study, Australia

If you are an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma graduate, let Griffith University help you achieve your full potential in learning. Griffith welcomes IB graduates and works to create an environment that fosters academic growth and celebrates high-achievers.

It’s an IB thing!

Posted on 1st Feb 2019 in University Study, Canada

Georges-Philippe Gadoury-Sansfaçon, a student at Bishop's University in Canada, explains how the studying the IB shaped him as a person...
